I have wanted to see this band in concert since high school, and in mid November I finally got my chance! I was NOT prepared for the chaos and insanity that was at that show, but all the same, it was an awesome experience and I loved every bit of it. We started out a few rows back from the stage and once the band came out pushing and shoving started. It actually got a little scary for a while there. In the middle of all the chaos two friends of mine pushed and drug me to the front and got me up to the railing, where at one point Rob actually climbed up on it and we got to touch him. I of course was too busy taking pictures to even think about snatching a lock of his hair :0). With all the shoving and close quarters, it was very difficult to get good pictures ***insert sad face here*** but I did what I could and tried to enjoy the theatrics of the show. It was by far the most theatrical show I've been to as of yet. I will definitely go see him again, but next time I think I'll stand on the side lines and avoid the insanity!

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