Sunday, August 2, 2009

Family Photos ~ year 2

Angi and Arron hired me last year to take pictures of them with their furry babies. Angi is a close friend to one of my recent brides so I've had the pleasure of working with these two on several occasions over the last year. Well with their youngest turning a year they were in much need of some updated family pictures. We met up late in the evening, trying to squeeze as much sunlight out as we could before it got too dark to work. As usual the dogs were a riot and Arron and Angi were so much fun to talk to and work with, you know dog-lover talk and all. Here are some of my favorites from our time together. Also, I have included a copy of the email I found in my inbox this afternoon from Angi and Arron and the pups. It honestly brought me to tears. It's words like these that validate my choice to photograph people and their memories.

Angi & Arron, your dedication to me as your photographer is heart warming. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart for your kind words and for the tears. They are ones of utter gratitude!!

I can't wait until next year!!!
Amber :0)

Once again you have really captured our devotion for our fur babies and love for each other. The Black and white of our teenager Ajah and her daddy is a great testament to where she loves to spend her time, in his lap. I know she has been the hardest one to get good pictures of the last two years, she is very camera shy. But you have a true talent for getting just the right shot of her. Her younger brother, our other teenager Bud; really acts like himself whenever you are around. The picture of him in the swimming pool,where he prefers to spend all of his time, is still one of everyone's favorites. This year's picture of him with his Harley bandanna is beautiful. Our baby is growing up so fast , it is hard to believe that Zazu is already a year old. We didn't bring either of his two favorite things to do, play basketball or ride his skateboard, hoping you could get some pictures of his face. The shot of him and me is perfect.Right down to how he is 90% of the time, with his tongue hanging out.
As far as getting Arron to smile, or dancing at Heather's wedding, kudos to you! He doesn't like to have his picture taken and yet around you he is relaxed and comfortable. We love the pictures you have taken of us over the last two years and look forward to many more years of you being our family photographer. Thanks for giving us great memories that will last a lifetime.

Angi and ArronAnd the babies, Ajah, Bud and Zazu

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