Friday, August 28, 2009

Boudoir Party MADNESS!! ~ Houston Boudoir Photography

Wow, what an insane response to the Hotel Icon boudoir party in October!! It was so insane that I had to book a second hotel on a different day to accomodate the 12 girls who signed up!! I'm sorry to all the ladies who wanted to get in but couldn't, so in order to make this service available to you I will be hosting another party in early January. If you are interested in booking a spot for the January shoot please email me at to set it up. The 8 spots filled up quick and I had 12 girls on board within 48 hours, so I'm sure the next party will fill up just as reserve your spot now :0) And the best part? The photos will be back in time for Valentine's Day ladies!!!

Curious about a what a boudoir party is or what to expect? Check out the new site!!

Houston boudoir photographer

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