Monday, August 24, 2009

The Burkhalters ~ Houston, Galveston, Austin Family Photography

I went to school with both Sandra and Jason. Sandra was crazy about Jason but I don't think he realized what a good thing he had in front of him until after high school. I remember being in Art class our senior year and Sandra sat at the table one day and talked about Jason almost the entire time. It was pretty clear she was ga-ga over him. Well not much has changed since 1997, Sandra is still ga-ga for Jason and he's just as crazy about her! The only thing different is they're all grown up now, have a beautiful life and home together and one gorgeous little girl!!

Ever since I met Isabella I have wanted to take pictures of her. When Sandra told me she wanted me to do her 2nd birthday pics I was jumping for joy. This little princess is my best friend on our coffee dates and smiles for me all the time. Needless to say she has always melted my heart. So this past weekend the time finally came for us to work together and I was in awe at the love and gentleness this family posesses. It was so easy to capture the true essence of their love and their devotion to one another, their daughter and their family.

Sandra and Jason, working for y'all has touched my heart. Watching you guys interact with Isabella and eachother made me smile both while I was there, and while working on the photos. Thank you guys for the opportunity, it was a blessing. I hope for many more opportunities to work with you guys again in the future. You three are FABULOUS!!!

Houston, Galveston, Austin family and child photographer

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