My handsome little man was in this past Tuesday's Houston Chronicle. I submitted a photograph I had taken, you'll probably recognize it from a post back in May, and had totally forgotten about doing so. I got a call from my mom Tuesday afternoon asking me if I was aware that my son was in the paper. At first I was not sure why or how he would have been there, but then I remembered the submission a few weeks earlier. Well to make a long boring story, a little shorter but just as boring, his photograph was one of 3 that got printed!! Andy and I were so excited we scooped up any and every copy we could to save and to give out to fam. Here is a copy of the section of the paper he was in. Oh and did I mention that since my little man is so freakin' cute, he got the biggest picture!?!? LOL. That's probably the biased momma in me talking, but I don't care because someone at the Chronicle seems to agree :0)
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