Last night was the reception for the artists featured at the Art Alliance of Clear Lake and I must say it was an unbelievable experience and such an honor to have my work displayed alongside the works of some oober gifted artists!! VERY HUMBLING! The photo below is of myself, Bethany of BQ Images, and Kara (2 great friends as well as very talented artists). We are standing in front of Bethany's piece that won a Juror's Choice Award. It is an amazing set of photographs and I strongly urge you go check it out! Kara had a beautiful painting (huge painting) featured as well! I promise to post photos of the pieces I personally had in the show over the next couple of days. The show runs until mid-July so if you couldn't make it out last night there's still plenty of time.

Side note: All three of my photographs in the gallery are for sale. If you are interested in purchasing please contact me via email. One of the two photographs that were on exhibit at UHCL has sold so I have the other one left to anyone who may be interested in purchasing a limited edition photograph. The asking price (frame and matt included) is $125. It is the "Garage Doors" 12"x18" photo (the "Watch Tower" (lifeguard stands) has sold). Please email me if interested.

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