Friday, April 3, 2009

Vintage Madness & Fabulous Friday Weather!

I've got myself a small collection of vintage chairs that I've either won through online auctions or have found in resale stores around town. I love adding a piece of unusual furniture to a photoshoot to give it an extra something to make it more original and memorable. I also love just photographing my chairs in random locations. I'm currently working on a series of images that will showcase these chairs in and around Houston.

With today's GORGEOUS weather, I thought it would be a great idea to take the two newest additions to my collection out for their first photoshoot! I drove around Kemah and Seabrook stopping at random spots that I thought would be great backdrops for my lovely little chairs. Here are my faves from today :0)

I also stumbled across a house along the way that at one point, pre-Ike, had been located on the other side of the road. I found it fascinating that through all the movement of the wind and water the steak sauce bottle managed to stay upright, undisturbed.
As always, enjoy!

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