Sunday, February 22, 2009

Introducing Mr. Jett

Jay & Peri, the couple from the Corpus Christi marternity shoot, had their beautiful baby boy last month and I was fortunate enough to be the first to take his pictures. Well except for the one million or so photos his parents have taken of him at home no doubt. I set my house up as a mini studio and I'm so glad Peri remembered to bring the black and white comforter! It was just the touch I was looking for!! I had a great time visiting with these wonderful friends of mine and I can't wait to watch Jett grow up through my pictures. Andy and I miss and love y'all very much!

Houston - Galveston Baby Photographer

1 comment:

  1. Amber, we had such a great time with you as well!! It makes me sad that we are not closer, but I know that we will see each other on visits. The pictures are wonderful; more than I ever imagined. I am so honored and grateful that you are my baby's photographer! You are so creative, and you're pictures have such depth to them. We are so blessed to have you as a friend. We love and miss you and Andy. Can't wait to see you again!!
